
‘Waste Prose’ & Late Summer Reflections

September 2, 2022

My hopes for August had been to simmer quietly with the season: reflect on the year so far and write episodes for the fall. It proved to be a much busier month and I didn’t get to my writing as much as I would have liked, but still plan to release monthly episodes, starting this month.


Extra! Extra!

January 19, 2022

A new year—an auspicious one that I hope will bring new stories to this nesting ground. I have been tinkering away trying to improve, relearn, and find new ways to cultivate the podcast and its many accompanying pieces. Think of it as laying a foundation–putting down roots, if you will.…


Creative Garlands: An Exercise in Tinkering

November 17, 2021

The holiday season is upon us. This expression captures the daunting feeling of the whirlwind time of year and all the memories (good and bad), pressures, expenses, and the overall anticipatory excitement/dread blend that descends on us like a tidal wave or storm. Just the speed at which this tidal wave crashes down is enough to throw me.

This speed tends to distort my sense of time too, especially as I think back to late summer when I wrote a piece about making garlands. The air was still warm and simmering from the Virginia summer, something that feels so far away now that it’s the brisk November weather and brilliant fall color that gleams out the window. This week my article, “Getting Creative with Floral Garlands: Building Unique Pieces,” is…


The Misguided Virtues of Stability

September 17, 2021

Surefootedness. This was the goal for some time, what everyone had advised me to do from the time I first started saying I wanted to be a writer when I grew up. It sounded like:

Get a day job.

I took this advice and found that some were great: working floral jobs for corporate accounts, daily orders, and working out in the crisp air on a Christmas tree farm.


The Nest, Revisited

August 27, 2021

Words. Flowers. Art.

It’s what you’ll find here and what I built this website and podcast/portfolio/catch-all creative project for. I hope this site has been a nest, albeit a neglected one: a safe place tucked away in the immense forest that is the internet. I hope it can be something to grow.